Friday, 11 October 2013

Products I regret buying #1: Revlon New Complexion

A few months ago, I went over to the revlon counter in search for the Colorstay combination/oily foundation, the revlon lady told me that they were out because apparently they were discontinuing it (big lie, BTW), and so she recommended this foundation saying and I quote "It's the new and improved formula, even better than the superstay".
I tried this foundation and immediately disliked it, but not to let my judgy side make the best of me I decided to try it a few more times... My opinion went from dislike to hate.
When you first apply this foundation and even though it says "super matte finish" it sets oily or at least shiny on your skin. I don't know if this is on purpose or if it's a flaw of maybe it's just my skin but, while I finished the rest of my makeup, the foundation never went matte.
I powder it and even after the powder in went oily on me after just around two hours.
I do have quite oily skin, specially around the apple of my cheeks and T zone, but I can assure you, this had never happened with any other foundation. And it didn't just bring the normal amount of shine to my face, it went full oily on me.
Another negative feature is that it marks and shows all of your pores, even though it has a medium to full coverage, it sticks in a bad way to any feature you might want to hide.
The price point for this is the same or a bit more expensive than the colorstay and at least in my country when it comes to drugstore brand foundations, revlon is on the more expensive side, so I was quite disappointed with this.
I would love to show this on my skin, but after this rant of bad outcomes, I gave it away.
I will say one good thing about it: even though it made me super oily, it didn't break me out, so i guess if you are not oily like me, maybe it would work on you? But then again, if you are not oily, why will you go for a oily skin foundation?

My recommendation? If you like the colorstay, stick to it, I love that foundation and it has never disappointed me.

Hace un par de meses, fui al mostrador de Revlon en busqueda de la base Colorstay para piel grasa, la mujer de Revlon me dijo que la estaban descontinuando, y me recomendo la nueva "New Complexion" diciendo que (y cito) "era la formula nueva y mejorada".
Probé esta base y inmediatamente me disgustó, pero para no dejar que mi lado criticón me gane, decidí darle un par más de oportunidades, y puedo decir que fui de disgusto a odio total. 
Cuando aplicás la base, a pesar de decir que el terminado es super mate, la base se seca oleosa, o al menos brillosa, y aún luego de terminar de aplicar el resto de mi maquillaje, la base nunca se matificó. 
Incluso luego de ponerme polvo y que se matificara un poco, se volvió oleosa luego de al rededor de dos horas.
Si bien tengo la piel bastante grasa, especialmente en las mejillas y en la zona T, les puedo asegurar que esto nunca me había pasado con nnguna base.
Otro punto negativo, es que marca y destaca todos los poros, si bien tiene una cobertura entre media y total, se pega, negativamente, a cualquier punto que quieran disimular.
El precio de esta base es igual o un poco más cara que la Colorstay y, por lo menos en mi país, cuando se trata de bases de farmacia, Revlon es de las más caras, así que estaba bastante desepcionada con ella.
Me encantaría poder mostrarles como queda en mi piel, pero luego de los horribles resultados, la regalé. 
Lo que si puedo decir positivo, es que si bien me dejó la piel bastante oleosa, no me sacó ninguna imperfección o grano luego, así que supongo que si no tienen la piel muy grasa, podrían intentar con esta base, aunque si no tienen la piel grasa porqué comprarían una base para piel grasa, ¿no?

Mi recomendación: Si les gusta la Colorstay, quedensé con ella, amo esa base y nunca me ha desepcionado. 

Have you tried this foundation? what do you think of it?
What foundation has dissapointed you?

Han probado esta base? que les pareció?
Que base de maquillaje los ha desepcionado?



  1. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog!
    Love your blog! So informative :)
    I'm following you on gfc. Would be great if you follow me too :)

  2. OMG I totally see what you mean! It's the same for me though I've never tried a revlon foundation before. The bad thing about this is that you had to spend money on it hoping it would be a good product just to be disappointed immediately.

  3. I've never tried this product but there's one by Maybelline that I cant remember the name of but every time I use it, it makes me break out horribly! But I haven't used it in years!

  4. Great post!

  5. That SUCKS! shame on the makeup assistant for lying to you, lies are never the right way foward :( haha. but seriously, that just shows how cruddy some makeup can be. More about gaining money, less about satisfying customers. good luck with everything, hope your skin dies down nice and quicky and goes back to it's (i pressume) gorgeous self soon =] haha.


  6. Bueno es saberlo.....
    Gracias guapa, un beso!

  7. I haven't tried this foundation, and thanks to you I probably never will ;) gracias xx And I just re-purchased mineral foundation by Finnish brand Lumene so I'm in no need to try anything new as the make up base. I did have some Revlon before this, can't remember the name but it had light and dark foundation that you could mix together to get the right shade, by twisting the head of the bottle :D
    Thanks for visiting! I'm not sure whether the USA e.l.f -site would ship to your country? :) Hmm I hope you get a chance to try them out too! I recently wrote another beauty post about e.l.f, it was about my first e.l.f -products haul that I brought home from Latvia during summer holiday. I hope you check it out too ! x And visit anytime again to say hello, follow each other etc. :)
    xx Satu,

  8. Olá, passando para divulgar um sorteio bem legal no meu cantinho:


  9. I can't believe she lied to you about the ColorStay foundation?! Why on earth would she do that!!! I've not heard of this one before, but I know I'll stay well clear of it if I see it here in the UK! xx

    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

  10. Must be cool! Nice post! <3

  11. I love Revlon Colorstay too!

    Thank you for dropping by my blog. I followed you. Hope you can follow me back.

  12. That's such a shame it didn't work out :/

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your lovely comment! I'm following you on GFC and Bloglovin now. I look forward to reading your future posts :]

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes

  13. It is very rare that I regret buying something but it's always a bummer!

  14. Great review. I haven't tried this product, no. At the moment I am using a MAC foundation and simply LOVE it!

    Followed :)

    Also, I'd like to personally invite you to enter my MAC lipstick $40 MAC giftcard giveaway!

    x Michelle

  15. sorry to hear that it didn't work out for you:(!! lovely review, thank you for sharing!♡

    (Join my blog International Giveaway ♡! 21 items- lots of Japanese makeup and beauty products including cosmetics from Diamond Beauty, Candydoll, Dollywink, etc!)

  16. I love Revlon! This foundation is so good!

  17. hahaha! I love the name of this section! Could borrow u a bunch of stuff I got and hated :P
    Will make sure to not get this one :D



    1. hahaha of course! I can't take credit for it, I "borrowed" it from youtube
      Thanks for stoping by!

  18. Oh gosh that's not good that it shows all of your pores, definitely won't be trying this out!

    Also I've nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award

    Rebecca x

  19. revlon ! great brand ! ;D

  20. That is such a bummer that the foundation kept getting oily. Thanks for the review!

    The Tiny Heart
